Thursday, November 5, 2009

The map is not the territory

Today I was attending some time management training but it turned surprisingly interesting. Anyway, it was more about how we function, the concious and subconcious states. Basically, it seems we switch around 40 times to the subconcious state.
Are you fully awake when in the morning you take a shower?
Or does it happen that when you enter the office it clicks to you, how the heck I drove to here?
That's the subconcious baby. It seems the subconcious manages 250 million instructions per minute while the concious just 700... I may be incorrect on these figures but anyway just to emphasize the difference.
I unconciously did a lot of these things... do you ever want to switch to the subconcious state when you want to implement some piece of code?
I do, I put on my ear plugs, listen to some music (I listen to the same music, if I listen to some new album than I switch back to the concious state!), detach from the surroundings and get lost in my coding! That's why I like my job!
I prefer to work in this subconcious state than doing pair programming!
Personally I think I am more productive and deliver better when I work in this state than working in pairs... That's my way of thinking.
Check out this link for more information

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